About Us

The Diarmonia edition, founded by the musician Mauro Caturano, stems from the need to give a stable reference point in the complex world of production and dissemination of musical works to both established composers and young artists who are about to publish their first compositions.

Diarmonia is inspired by the desire to combine the rebirth of a "cultural space" with a high-profile musical proposal that embraces the musical work at 360 °. The publisher's mission is to support and promote music through the publication of new works, transcriptions and elaborations of existing songs for different musical groups, as well as the publication of unpublished songs and books from various historical periods, without neglecting educational works, music for bands and musical essays, all distributed through a dense sales network.

For some compositions, the edition makes use of a technical-scientific and editorial committee, which first examines and evaluates the artistic validity of the works before proceeding to publication.

Another peculiarity of the Diarmonia edition is that of assisting its authors in the articulated and complex world of the music industry, providing them with important information regarding copyright, related and publication rights and copyright.