
Hornlise, Vocalizzo for Corno or Trombone and Pianoforte by Paolo and Antonio Reda - Audio

Hornlise, Vocalizzo for Corno or Trombone and Pianoforte by Paolo and Antonio Reda - Audio

"Hornlise" is a vocalization for horn (or trombone) and piano with a bitematic structure and cadence..

€ 3.99

Hornlise, Vocalizzo for Corno or Trombone and Pianoforte by Paolo and Antonio Reda PDF

Hornlise, Vocalizzo for Corno or Trombone and Pianoforte by Paolo and Antonio Reda PDF

"Hornlise" is a vocalization for horn (or trombone) and piano with a bitematic structure and cadence..

€ 4.99

Il Clarinetto e L'Orchestra, by Luigi Pettrone

Il Clarinetto e L'Orchestra, by Luigi Pettrone

This publication is an indispensable tool for all students and professionals who intend to study the..

€ 20.00

Il Clarinetto, I Clarinettisti e le formazioni Strumentali, by Francesco Pio Ferrentino and Gaetano Apicella

Il Clarinetto, I Clarinettisti e le formazioni Strumentali, by Francesco Pio Ferrentino and Gaetano Apicella

The name of "clarinet" is a diminutive of clarinet: we often speak of these two instruments as if th..

€ 12.50

Il Clarinetto, Storia e Repertorio by Miriam Zeoli

Il Clarinetto, Storia e Repertorio by Miriam Zeoli

This work, titled "The Clarinet", through the study of the history of this instrument, from its orig..

€ 8.50

Il Clarinetto, Storia e Repertorio by Miriam Zeoli PDF

Il Clarinetto, Storia e Repertorio by Miriam Zeoli PDF

This work, titled "The Clarinet", through the study of the history of this instrument, from its orig..

€ 4.99

Il Quintetto di Fiati in Italia, by Riccardo Amore

Il Quintetto di Fiati in Italia, by Riccardo Amore

The wind quintet is made up of the orchestra's four main wind instruments: flute, oboe, clarinet and..

€ 14.00

Inexpected Omens by Ciro Ferrigno

Inexpected Omens by Ciro Ferrigno

Composed in the winter of 1994, it marks the author's return to the more conventional musical langua..

€ 22.00

Intermezzo, for Clarinet and Piano by Gaetano Apicella and Francesca Apicella

Intermezzo, for Clarinet and Piano by Gaetano Apicella and Francesca Apicella

The piece is a single “Allegro” movement and has a lively and energetic main theme, which is repeate..

€ 17.00

J. Williams - Harry Potter, Fantasy for wind ensemble by Francesco Di Domenico

J. Williams - Harry Potter, Fantasy for wind ensemble by Francesco Di Domenico

Harry Potter is a small woodwind fantasy on the musical themes of the famous wizard of the Hogwarts ..

€ 8.50

J. Williams - Harry Potter, Fantasy for wind ensemble by Francesco Di Domenico PDF

J. Williams - Harry Potter, Fantasy for wind ensemble by Francesco Di Domenico PDF

Harry Potter is a small woodwind fantasy on the musical themes of the famous wizard of the Hogwarts ..

€ 3.99

L'opera comica napoletana (1700-1750), by Filomena Pascarella

L'opera comica napoletana (1700-1750), by Filomena Pascarella

Born in the early eighteenth century in Naples, the musical comedy was characterized by some specifi..

€ 13.50

La percezione musicale, by Antonella Di Poto

La percezione musicale, by Antonella Di Poto

In music, the practice of intoning sounds with the voice is essential to acquire melodic autonomy, b..

€ 16.00

La Sequenza X per Tromba di Luciano Berio, by Francesco Emanuele Varanese

La Sequenza X per Tromba di Luciano Berio, by Francesco Emanuele Varanese

In this work we intend to collect a set of notes on Sequence X for Trumpet in C and Piano resonances..

€ 15.00

La Tromba, by Giuseppe Zeoli

La Tromba, by Giuseppe Zeoli

When and why was the trumpet born? A good future musician, in addition to possessing the technical m..

€ 8.50

La Tromba, by Giuseppe Zeoli PDF

La Tromba, by Giuseppe Zeoli PDF

When and why was the trumpet born? A good future musician, in addition to possessing the technical m..

€ 3.99

Le Bande in Italia (Civili e Militari) ed Organologia del Clarinetto, by Francesco Pio Ferrentino

Le Bande in Italia (Civili e Militari) ed Organologia del Clarinetto, by Francesco Pio Ferrentino

With this work of mine, I wanted to trace the origins of musical bands in our country and their role..

€ 13.00

Le quattro scale diatoniche della moderna tonalità by Raffaella Milone

Le quattro scale diatoniche della moderna tonalità by Raffaella Milone

In 1874, when musical ideas and theories of composition were experiencing a period of significant fe..

€ 10.00

Le Scale by Giuseppe Carannante

Le Scale by Giuseppe Carannante

The usefulness and need to practice stairs is widely recognized by teachers and professionals of the..

€ 11.00

Maddalena Casulana, Madrigali a 4 voci, by Antonella Di Poto

Maddalena Casulana, Madrigali a 4 voci, by Antonella Di Poto

This work aims to analyze some of the many madrigals by Maddalena Casulana. Through the analysis of ..

€ 16.00

Showing 61 to 80 of 127 (7 Pages)